This is thirty
Hi I'm Liz, and I'm thirty.
I've heard so many people say they really freaked out or know they will at thirty. But I don't mind. It's not that I'm not goal oriented, but I never really sat around and thought about what I wanted my life to look like at thirty. I simply pursued what I wanted with all of my heart and energy.
What I can say is that I'm proud of where I am. I'm madly in love with the boy I met in high-school, now married for going on eight years. Together, we paid off nearly $200,000 in loans. We own property. We have a dog. I have a great job, and I'm learning to balance it with my life. We founded a CrossFit gym. I have my PMP, my NPS 2, my CrossFit Level 1, and a few other plans up my sleeve. I am fit and I know what fitness means. I know how to eat healthy, how to track my macros, and am working on finding a balance that works for my lifestyle. And the best part is that none of these things solely define me.
So much of my twenties was about getting good jobs, gaining ground, and making sacrifices so that we could pay off our loans. In the last six months, not only did we do so after 39 months of hard work, but we also made the decision to step out of ownership of the CrossFit gym we so dearly love.
So much change in such a short time may be hard for others to understand, but I'm making space to dream. It's not perfect and it's not all sunshine and roses, but at thirty, I feel like my life is just beginning. Follow along!
P.S. I might be thirty, but I still don't believe in ironing.