Counteracting A Sedentary Lifestyle

With COVID-19 cases rising in the United States, many of us continue adjusting to working remote. The office commute is now a hallway commute (for those lucky enough to even have a home office), and walking from meeting to meeting or heading out to grab lunch has been replaced with sitting in front of a computer screen for hours on end with little to no breaks. Gyms are closed or at limited capacity in many states, as are other businesses and places of recreation. All of this is unprecedented for sure, but it has also led to a sudden downshift to a more sedentary lifestyle and a resulting increase in unwanted weight gain. The good news is that by making some slight adjustments, we can prevent and even reverse the impact of so much sitting.

What is functional fitness?

Functional fitness is best described as exercise that prepares and reinforces your body for the activity that you encounter in everyday life. Examples of functional movement include squatting, lunging, pushing, pulling, twisting, hinging, and walking. In everyday life, this looks like carrying groceries (OMG those Costco boxes!), lifting your child (or children), vacuuming the house, reaching items on upper or lower shelves, mowing the lawn, and more. Functional fitness also prepares . . .

Food Diary: Steamed Broccoli and Milkshakes

I know a lot of people think it's totally crazy that I weigh and measure my food to track every gram of carb, fat, and protein I eat. Sometimes even I am over it! But mainly, I'm on it haha! 

What I like about counting macros, or flexible dieting, is that there are no "bad" foods. I can have any food, so long as I am conscious of how much of that food I have. Now, just because I can have anything doesn't mean I should have anything. Obviously, I know my body will

What to wear: Spring in Maui

Some people lean more toward comfort and some toward style when they dress. And while there are certainly times when I'm perfectly content grunging around in uggs, sweats, and a puffer vest sans make-up (and dare so say it, even a shower), most of the time I'd prefer something comfortable AND fashion forward, or at the very least, on trend. This is especially true when

The trouble with competition

I'm just going to come out and admit this. I don't enjoy competition. Or maybe, just not one I know I can't win. Until I'm sure that's not a possibility, I'll fight for it tooth and nail, but the minute I know I'm out of the running, my heart just isn't in it anymore.

Over time, I've found the only real competitor I'm willing to gut it out against is myself. This explains my aversion to CrossFit competitions. Very rarely, I make exceptions. This was one of those cases.

Things that Go Unsaid: How to Try CrossFit for the First Time

Nothing made me happier or more excited over Thanksgiving break than to introduce my mom and little sister to CrossFit. After more than three years in the CrossFit community, and nearly that much time as a co-owner, it meant so much to me to share my passion with them! They were incredibly good sports about my making them not only work out on vacation, but also workout by doing CrossFit...four times! Sorry guys:p! Nonetheless, my nearly 60 year old momma of five rocked some seriously impressive squat form, and my little sister really pushed herself on the assault bike! Geez I'm jelly of her long legs! #shortpeopleunite After the week ended, my sister bought a pack of classes to her local area CrossFit gym. DAY. MADE. 

Their experience got me thinking though about how to put someone who has considered CrossFit at ease and help them have an amazing experience their very first time.

A Holiday Recipe for Abs

The next several weeks promise to be a whirlwind of festivities, from company celebrations to Secret Santas, gift baskets, family dinners, and parties with friends. All your favorite seasonal treats are on the menu, and if you're like me, you might be planning to bake a few too! This is my favorite time of year. But while I fully plan on taking advantage of all this season has to offer, I'm also mindful of my nutrition and fitness goals.

An Ode to Pie

I am going to give you the recipe for what I call, the pie of my childhood. My mom was a stay-at-home farmer's wife with five children and she Baked. Her. Heart. Out. In addition to loaves of freshly baked and buttered french bread, I came home most days to pies. In high school, my cousin and I would go for a three mile run along our road and without a word, return home and head straight for the drawer. We each pulled out a fork, grabbed a pie, and dug directly into the tin until it was gone. Looking back, thank goodness our metabolisms were fast enough to handle that routine! 

What's for Lunch | Macro Friendly Baked Ziti

Sometimes, counting macronutrients (see my post What is Flexible Dieting) can be overwhelming. When I first started this meal planning method, I was helping to manage our CrossFit gym, working full time, and trying to pay off $165,000 in student loans in just over three years. Needless to say, I was stressed AND pressed for time. I needed macro-friendly options that were quick and easy to throw together as I ran from one thing to the next.