Simple, Easy Top Knot

The top knot is a super easy style I love for many reasons. Thank God it's trendy, because it's so convenient and versatile! It works not only for the office, but also for everyday, or even a special occasion. I get a lot of questions like, "Oh are you using a sock? Or one of those foam donuts," so I love surprising people when I tell them it's secured only with a bobby pin and a few hair bands!

This is thirty

Hi I'm Liz, and I'm thirty.

I've heard so many people say they really freaked out or know they will at thirty. But I don't mind. It's not that I'm not goal oriented, but I never really sat around and thought about what I wanted my life to look like at thirty. I simply pursued what I wanted with all of my heart and energy.

What I can say is that I'm proud of where I am.